Thursday, November 5, 2009

TV zombies

TV has to be one of the biggest reasons for people not reading as much as they used to. It turns you into a zombie, and I watch just as much as everybody else so I'm a TV zombie as well. You sit there just staring at the screen, when something isn't on that you like you just stare and flip through channels and commercials. I think that the majority of what is on television is a bunch of crap. Most people probably think this as well. However for some reason, it is just too easy to sit on your comfortable couch and just stare at whatever is on. Shows, the news, commercials, whatever is on just sucks you in somehow. My generation and younger generations probably watch the most television. It is too easy to come home from school and say your going to watch the TV just for a bit, when it actually turns into maybe two or three hours. You sit and you stare and you don't think about anything else. A little TV a day is good but too much and we all become TV zombies.

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